Feb 14Liked by Rob Lewis

Another great addition to this series Rob. Nothing could better honour Dr Millan and his legacy than continuing to explore the questions that were so central to his life's work. Thank you.

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Add California, parts of Pacific Mexico, Panama and Peru, to it, the coast of Oman, the coast of Pakistan, parts of coastal Australia, some Carirbbean islands, a lot of places have seen similar damage and similar results.

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Feb 14Liked by Rob Lewis

I really liked your analogy of a vast plain of hardscape blanketing the former riparian area like a “horizontal dam”, preventing needed infiltration for water cycling. Forms a clear understanding in the mind’s eye. Important article, thank you.

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Thank you, Rob, for this new article!

It has been a challenging piece of work since I first email you in August last year.

I feel honored to contribute to Dr. Millan's quest and grateful for the opportunity to know him through this work.

There is still a long way to go, but if Dr. Millan has dedicated his life to explore this questions, we should make his work worthful .

Our planet depends on our commitment.

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Feb 18Liked by Rob Lewis

Great article!!! Now the question is, how do we change the narrow view of the authorities, who are always focussed on the problems: droughts, floods, fires, and not on the solutions.

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Thank you Rob for keeping the information flowing and the conversation going! And thank you Diego for discussing the relevance to Chile. I wonder what we would find in Greece, where fires and floods are stronger and more frequent. Your writing about Prof. Millan’s work Rob, is soothing the pain of his unfortunate loss!

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Feb 15Liked by Rob Lewis

Who can resist the importance of this story. Climate action groups in the Pacific Northwest (an area becoming more Mediterranean like) advocating changed forest policies could use this information in support of more reasons for Federal and State governments/agencies to halt cutting of old growth and mature forests, etc. Thank you Rob.

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Does anyone know why Millán puts these figures in his famous graph?: 42°C, 21 grams. of water (and also 26°C and 14 grams.)

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Feb 14Liked by Rob Lewis

More excellent writing. Thank you Rob for your hard work.

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